Cost of Solar Rooftop System


Cost of installing Solar Rooftop System

 Image result for solar rooftop houses free pictures in villages

There is a misconception that rooftop solar plant installation is expensive and only riches can afford. What is really holding back residential solar is the lack of knowledge with the process. People are still largely unaware of the financial incentives and attractive return on investment that taking up rooftop solar power solutions can achieve. When Greenpeace conducted a survey, nearly 55 percent of respondents indicated an interest in using the technology. However, the report also cited that many people perceive it to be an enterprise that requires large upfront capital investment, leaving this source of energy accessible only to the rich. Their misunderstanding or lack of enough knowledge led to their roofs not being installed.

Cost of 1  KW Rooftop P.V Plant

      Item                                            Cost (Rs.)                                       
Cost of a 1 kW rooftop solar plant   100,000.00
Subsidy @ 30%                                30,000.00
Net cost after subsidy                       70,000.00

Depending on the sunlight, 1 KWH would generate 3 - 4.5 units in a day. In a simple terms 1 KWH means 1000 watt per hour. In one hour, it generates 1 unit of electricity. Based on your appliances at your home or usage, you can decide, whether we want to go for 1 KW or more than that.
The estimation given above is approximate, it may go up to Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 25,000 based on panel quality. And battery capacity cost adds to the investment, if it is off-grid plant.

How to calculate your consumption - Take one year power bills and calculate how many units you consumed during in that year and divide that with 12 (12 months), you will get one month utilization. Again divide that with 30, you will get per day consumed units. Based on that you can decide the capacity of plant to install.

Some of the top Solar Panels of 2018

Manufacturer                   Warranty in Years

Jinko Solar                                10

Kyocera                                     10

LG                                             25

Mission Solar                           10

Image result for cleaning solar panels pictures

Proper maintenance maximizes the life span of your plant. An efficient and long-lasting P.V system will require a periodic check on system components.

  • Cleaning the panels in order to get rid of dust and other debris accumulated over time is compulsory 
  • Cleaning the panels can be done with  plain clean  water . You can seldom use brush. Chemicals should not be used to clean.
  • Check the panel in case of any dirt. If found, remove it. 
  • Check for any sort of cracks. Tracking systems needs to be lubricated with grease. 
  • Cables, mounting structures need to be checked for cracks and breaks.


  1. Solar installation is the best option to save on electricity bills. Even, many industries are installing rooftop solar and saving money on electricity bills.


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