Role of solar energy in agriculture

Role of solar energy in agriculture:

1) Solar Powered Pumps:

              A switch from conventional diesel  and electric-powered irrigation pumps to solar-powered, one can help the country achieve 38 per cent of its envisaged 175 GW renewable energy target by 2022.

            Farmer to pay only 10% cost of solar pumps under KUSUM Budget scheme

            The Indian farmer will effectively bear only 10 per cent of cost for solarising his agricultural pump under a scheme unveiled in the Budget 2018-19.

              The government will spend Rs 48,000 crore over 10 years as central financial assistance (CFA) on the KUSUM scheme which aims to encourage the use of barren land for setting up solar power plants.

               Government is  proposing to solarise every agricultural pump and they will be connecting all the grid connected pumps with solar power

2) Solar Fencing in Agriculture:

Image result for solar fencing pictures

               It plays a vital role in farming, from being attacked by domestic and wild animals. In Karnataka they are giving 50% subsidy for farmers. 
           Solar fencing is an alternative to conventional methods of fencing to protect your crops & property. Electric Fence is an effective way to reducing losses caused by animals.                                  

a). How is works:

Image result for solar fencing pictures

                 When an animal or human being comes into contact with the electric Fence, they receive a sharp, short, painful but safe electric shock. The shock does not cause any physical damage. The electric fence acts as a strong psychological barrier as any intruder avoid coming into contact with the electric Fence once they experience the shock. After a period of conditioning, the mere presence of the fence acts as an effective barrier even if it is not powered 'ON'.
Electric fence can be made to detect a fault on the fence like shorting or cutting of the wire due to tampering on the fence with the Alarm system. 

b). Special Features of the Solar Electric Fence System:

    Electric Fence can be built alongside existing fences except in case of barbed wire fences.
  •  Existing posts can be made use of provided the corner / end poles are strong.
  • The shock does not physically harm animals or human beings.
  • The Solar Electric Fence System conforms to National and international Standards.
  • The Solar Energizers are tested by ETDC, Govt. of India.
c). Advantages over conventional fences:

The major advantages of Electric Fences over traditional fences are:
  • Fence posts are erected 6 - 8 mts apart depending upon the terrain.
  • No barbed wires are used. Only plain High tensile (Strong) wire is used.
  • A long life as the fence is not subjected to physical pressures of wear and tear.
  • Selective barriers possible. For example, Elephant barriers can be designed to allow smaller animals like cattle to move in and or out.
  • It is used in more than 165 countries all over the world.
  • It is the most effective method of fencing, and is safe to all kinds of animals and to human beings.
  • It is easily constructed and maintained.
  • It is long lasting and can be modified, extended, shifted and re-erected from one place to another, without loss of materials and waste of labour.
  • This is the only method of fencing, which can effectively keep all kinds of wild animals out.
  • It is not dependent on regular electricity supply as it operates on battery.
    d). Maintainance of Electric Fence:
    Solar Electric Fence system requires very little maintenance. The following tips help you in proper maintenance of the fence:
    • Ensure that your solar electric fence is a complete electric fence system with all the correct accessories.
    • Make sure that the Energizer I Control unit is protected from rain and housed inside a secured area.
    • Clean the top surface of the solar panel regularly to remove accumulated dust if any.
    • Ensure that the solar panel mounting is proper in the North – South direction at an angle of 15 degree.
    • During heavy storm and lightning, disconnect the energizer from the fence. This will prevent severe damages to the energizer.
    • Earthing is very important for good performance. Use good number of Super   Earth Kits. Do not install the earth kit near mains earthling.
    • Check for vegetation growths regularly. Keep the fence line clean.

    e). Battery Maintenance:

    • Ensure that the terminals are clean. Use petroleum jelly periodically.
    • The specific gravity of the battery should be maintained between 1150 - 1250.
    • Add distilled water to maintain the level of electrolyte in each cell of the battery.
    • Keep the battery in an upright position on a wooden plank.
    • Never add acid to the battery.
    • Ensure that the initial charging of the battery is done properly. Do not keep the battery unused for more than one month.


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