10kw solar power plant cost

 Keeping farmers in view, I am giving this information, on generating income from your power plant, with which you can run you solar water pump and generate income from extra energy, when it is not in use.This is high level information on 10 kw, on-grid based solar power plant.

Your solar PV system starts generating power from the day you install it. But in case it generates more power than you use, you can sell solar power back to the grid and be credited for it.

With a net metering connection, your solar PV system is connected to the main electricity grid that allows you to sell power generated by your solar panels.

Once facilitated, a net metering connection allows you to sell extra energy produced by your solar panels to the electricity grid, for which you will be paid. Similarly, you can also access extra energy from the grid in case the power produced by your solar panels is not enough to satisfy your power requirements.

India is blessed with maximum sunshine in the world. We can safely assume 280 clear sky sunny days. At least 7 hours energy generation is sure to get. So total annual energy generation will be 280 days x 7 hours x 10 KW =19600 KWH.

If electricity companies purchase this power at Rs 5 per KWH, total income to farmer from 10 KW solar power plant will be Rs 98000/-. Complete solar power plant of 10 KW will be ready between Rs 5,50,000 and Rs 6 lakhs.

The unit price differs depending upon how you and purchasing companies agreement. Also cost of plant varies, based on what type of solar panels you are using. If you are using high quality panels, it costs more and vice versa.

The same is applicable for Rooftop for houses, the extra power they are generating after consumption, can be sent to grid. Through which you can generate income. Consumption and generation varies in a year. During summer you may need more power and on winter you may not. Also generation will be more during summer compared to other seasons in India.

10 KW solar power plant will occupy only 60 sq mt land, which is just 1/68 acre. It is only 0.6 guntha. 100 guntha becomes 1 hectre. So such a small piece of land remains in every farm rejected by a farmer for any reason. So utilizing only 60 sq mt in 1 hectre is absolutely negligible and it will not affect agricultural production in any way. On the contrary agricultural production will increase because of available power in every farm for water pumping and also because of income of power generation in the farm as farmers' wives will utilize that income in animal husbandry, natural manures and to improve land conditions and agricultural production.

In market, you will find MNRE approved service providers, where they will install and maintain.

solar plant service and installation
 10kw solar plant spec


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